colors have evolved. Some fairly common colors include black, blue, orange, chestnut, chinchilla and chocolate as well as the broken versions of those colors and many more. Some of the less common colors include blue eyed white, smoke pearl, tri-colored and harlequins. "White Eared" is another newer variety which is a colored rabbit with perfectly white ears. This is especially striking when the body of the rabbit is a dark color like black or blue.
Ellie’s Rabbitry specializes in Vienna marked colors, which are not a showable variety, but are very popular as pets because of the striking color variations, patterns and blue eyes. If interested in a showable color, we have those too!
Personality wise, Holland Lops are winners! Much like their Mini Plush Lop relatives, Holland lops are docile, sweet and mellow tempered, especially when socialized at a young age with their people family. Unlike a Mini Plush Lop, Hollands do shed, much like a house cat. Occasional brushing can help minimize shedding. This tends to be a hardy and healthy breed that can live up to 12 years.
Breed Standard
What Should a Holland Lop Look Like?
The Holland Lop is supposed to have a massive look, but be an overall small sized rabbit. The standard says the ideal weight is in the 3-pound range, but breeders find their rabbits pushing the 4-pound limit as they select for thicker bone and more solid, heavyset bodies. The head should be large and bold.
The ears should be short, thick, and round in shape. The body should be short and muscular, with shoulders of nearly equal depth and width as the hindquarters. The coat isn’t worth many points in the Holland standard compared to type, but it should have a gentle rollback. Properly typed Holland Lops have heads that are set high
The Holland Lop
Americas Favorite Rabbit
Today, the Holland Lop is a very popular and common breed and considered America’s favorite rabbit by many. A man from the Netherlands named Adrian DeCock created the breed by crossing a Netherland Dwarf buck to a French Lop doe and developed the breed from there. The Holland Lop first appeared in America in 1975 and received instant fame. It was quickly recognized by the ARBA and has been one of the most popular breeds for both pet and show because of their small build and friendly personalities,
The original Holland Lop color was a dark tortoise called Madagascar, but over the years an explosion of different
on the shoulders. A Holland’s head should never be pushed down to the table when judging, but the rabbit should be allowed to show off its natural head mount.
The Holland Lop’s coat is of the rollback variety. It is dense and medium in length, smooth and glossy.
A Hardy Breed
Indoor & Outdoor Accommodations
The holland lop is suited for both indoor and outdoor habitation. Bunnies in general do tend to be happier and better socialized when living in the home, but if this is not an option, a proper outdoor hutch can happily house a holland lop. Please refer to the rabbit care page to see what a proper outdoor hutch entails.
